A Walk Through Azure Functions

Update 10/2016 - This posting is better viewed in my new blog . Rocky Start I saw the initial announcement for Azure Functions in one of the Azure newsletters. I watched two channel9 videos and read what documentation I could find. I even emailed a friend about it. I was pretty excited. My first experience with Azure Functions was a couple months back. It did not go well. I selected a C# HTTP Trigger template as my first function type and the pain began. Nothing worked as expected and I was met with frustration at literally every level. By the end of the night I'd decided the Azure Portal's Blade for Azure Functions had some significant usability and stability issues. I ended the night extremely frustrated. Two weeks later I took another look at Azure Functions. Whatever issues the Azure Functions Blade was having during my previous attempt appeared to have been resolved. Where previously the simplest change to function code would fail to be executed, changes were sudd...