JavaScript I Can Live With
Update 10/2016 - This posting is better viewed in my new blog . I've never been a fan of JavaScript. Not because of the language itself. Syntactically it's a lot like C# (which I love) and functionally it provides a wealth of features for web programming. My issue has always been with actually writing the code. Due to the fact that JavaScript isn't statically typed it's difficult to create truly good tooling and it's always felt to me like programming JavaScript in notepad is almost as good as with the best IDE. In my book that makes it a very cumbersome language to work with for all but the simplest applications. After working with C# for the last eight years and experiencing the power that a statically typed language and a good IDE provide I find it very painful to go back to a language that doesn't. Maybe I'm just spoiled but going back to a language like JavaScript makes me feel like I've moved back in time a decade. Enter TypeScript. TypeScrip...