That pesky enum (part 2)

Update 10/2016 - This posting is better viewed in my new blog . This is part 2 of my previous That pesky enum post. You should read part 1 first. In part 1 I defined the enum Beers and a static class BeersMockEnum and illustrated their use. Now, I make modifications to these types by inserting a new item (Bitter) in the Beers enum and the BeersMockEnum class as follows. public enum Beers { IPA = 0, Bitter, Lager, Porter, Stout } public static class BeersMockEnum { public static int IPA { get { return 0; } } public static int Bitter { get { return 1; } } public static int Lager { get { return 2; } } public static int Porter { get { return 3; } } public static int Stout { get { return 4; } } } I then recompile only the ClassLibrary project (which holds these definitions) and deploy the newly compiled assembly to the run directory replacing the e...